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Modular Plants

Modular Plants

Modular PlantsSynergy with its partners offers modular plants ready with piping and instrumentation. The skids when at site just need to be plugged with utility lines and the Plant is ready to start. Sometimes even thermic fluid heaters can also be accommodated in skid or on an adjacent skid. We have supplied several modular units in India and a few abroad.

Modular units call for careful planning in engineering and logistics.

We have built modular plants from various concepts from Clients or from our own expertise in Transfer Operations.

We have built Modular Units for:

    Steady State Simulation Services
  • Continuous + Batch Distillation units up to 3 KL.
  • Solvent Recovery units for paint or pharmaceutical Industries
  • Continuous Reactions Pilot Plants
  • Swirl flow demonstration ( Momentum Transfer)
  • Mixing skids ( Momentum Transfer)
  • Essential Oil steam distillations ( Mass Transfer)
  • Testing of Tubular inserts inside tube ( Heat Transfer)
  • Testing of Pumps/Valves ( Momentum Transfer)
  • Bioreactor
Modular Plants SuppliersThe plants that we supply can have heating / vacuum/chilling units attached as modules.

Typical sizes would depend on the exact requirement and logistics. For local supply we can handle 3 m x 3 m x 16 m height plants. For Bigger sizes multiple units with bolted construction can be used.

We can also build the following Skids for Various Domains like Oil & Gas, Petrochemicals, ETP ets.:

  • Fuel Gas & Fuel Oil Metering Skids (Csutody Metering)
  • Chemical Injection Package
  • Flare Network Study & Flare Package
  • Natural Gas Heater Package
  • Natural Gas Dew Point Control Package
  • Emulsion Treatment Package
  • Gas Scrubbers & Filters
  • Two Phase/Three Phase Separators
  • KO drums with/without demisters
  • Filter Separator/Coalescer Package
  • Air Compression, Filtration & Receiver Package
  • Fuel Gas Conditioning System
  • Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage System (SAGD)
  • Vapor Recovery Units
  • Packed Deareators: we have designed packed Deareators probably first time in world.

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