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Evaporation system design

Separation Systems - Evaporation

Separation Systems EvaporationWe can Design and/or supply complete evaporation systems mounted on skids or otherwise. The equipments involved are Heat Exchangers, liquid separators/flash vessels, pumps etc. The materials can be Stainless Steels, or Exotic.

We have so far designed/supplied systems for oil reclamations, Menthol Processing, inorganic waste streams, organic waste streams, distillery spent wash, heat sensitive materials like tomato puree, solvent reclamation in Paint industry etc.

The major components involved like exchangers, Flash vessels, good vacuum systems are similar to Distillation systems and we have good experience in all of those.

Possible Variations:

  • Natural Circulation short tube Calendria type.
  • Forced circulation compact designs including appropriate flash vessels.
  • Falling film evaporation systems for heat sensitive materials. Rising Film Evaporation systems
  • Energy efficient systems like Multiple Effect, Vapor Compressions.
  • Kettle type, Thermosyphon, Forced Circulation, Falling Film designs for distillation systems.
  • Required level of instrumentation and control.
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